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Interviu: Satoshi Tomiie

Home $ Interviuri | #clujlife $ Interviu: Satoshi Tomiie

by | Jan 11, 2010 | Interviuri | #clujlife

Satoshi Tomiie revine in Club Midi dupa o absenta de doi ani, ultima data fiind prezent pe 22 februarie 2008. Mai jos puteti citi un interviu acordat atunci dupa evenimentul respectiv 😉

1. How was the party in Midi? Did you enjoy it? If yes, why?
Yeah I enjoyed it a lot, it was awesome, with great crowd & energy.

2. What’s your oppinion about Club Midi and the public from Cluj-Napoca?
I loved the vibe, the size of the club is perfect, good sound on the dance floor and very responsible people. I kept it pretty deep musically but because of the crowd it was way above ‘deep’.

3. How is the audience from Romania comparative to other countries?
You have great audiences, one of the the best in the world for sure.

4. You were for the first time in Cluj-Napoca. What’s your oppinion about this town?
Unfortunately I didn’t spend enough time to tell you.. All I saw was Airport, hotel and the club.. LOL

5. What would you want to do if you stayed for a week in Cluj-Napoca?
Tell me what’s interesting to visit and do there please!

6. What have you heard about the Club Midi untill now?
I have heard great things about the club from Audiofly boys. They were raving about the club so my expectation was high.

7. Do you believe that electronic music will continue to attract more persons in the clubs or this kind of music is just for a certain category of people?
I believe it has been expanding and it will continue but I guess not all the music is for everybody… Ask your parents if they like it, they might say it’s too repetitive.. haha

8. What do you think about the clubbing scene from Romania?
I only know a few clubs, but from what I saw and felt it’s awesome in my opinion.

10. Do you know any romanian DJ that worths our attention?
Unfortunately I haven’t had a lot of chance to listen to many Romanian DJ’s, but from what I heard Bogdan did some great job when he played with me. Livio & Robby have been doing good productions I think.

11. Beside music do you have any other preoccupations?
Eating good food, traveling many places have been opening doors for me.

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