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Interviu: tINI

Home $ Interviuri | #clujlife $ Interviu: tINI

by | Sep 24, 2012 | Interviuri | #clujlife

Club Midi anunta un eveniment important pentru inceputul lui octombrie. Cu aceasta ocazie am luat un mic interviu primei doamne a labelului Desolat.

How’s life in ARTIST ALIFE?
Actually quite amazing.

How hard is to affirm as a female dj?
Not harder than for any other DJ these days! The times of discrimination (if they ever really happened) are over I would say! I never had problems concerning me being a woman in this male dominated music world.

What do you think about our mutual friends Livio & Roby? What about the romanian electronic music scene?
I love the boys and I truly respect and admire them for who they are and what they do. I am fan of their music since day one. I love the PREMIESKU project and I think a lot of “live artists” out there should go to one of their shows and see, what LIVE ACT really means! They really show the scene how talented they are playing live without any computers! Analog, baby!

You’ve been to Romania, in Bucharest at Kristal Club or at the seaside at Sunwaves Fest. What was your first impression about the crowd?
LOVE the Romanian crowd! They are passionate ravers and they don’t stop till there is no music anymore. I love their understanding for music and there are a lot of talented young producers coming from Romania.

What do you know about Cluj-Napoca and Club Midi?
I only heard good things about this club and it’s an honour for me to play there! I am very excited and I will do my best to have a great night there with the crowd!

5 & 6 oct will be a romanian weekend for you, friday at Cluj and saturday in Bucharest for a concept-party for the first time in Romania. Do you have a message for the people looking forward for the party?

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