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James Arthur @ Club Noa

Home $ Articole $ James Arthur @ Club Noa

by | Mar 8, 2015 | Articole

The winner of The X Factor UK 2012, James Arthur with his smashing hit IMPOSSIBLE, is coming to NOA!

Resident DJs: Alex Rise & Carlos
Video Effects: LUCKY STAR
Fashion dance: NOA’S ANGELS

Rezervări la 0748 290 090

Tickets: 50 lei for a LIMITED period. After that, the price is going to be 70 lei.

The tickets can be purchased from the pay desk of the club, as it follows:

– Monday – Friday: 12.00 – 20.00
– In the clubbing nights [Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday]: 22.00 – 05.00

Tickets can be purchased also in Iulius Mall, at the main entrance, next to the info point from Monday to Sunday (10:00-22:00).

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