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Stereotype Bizarre #5 @ The Shelter

Home $ Party $ Stereotype Bizarre #5 @ The Shelter

by | Mar 8, 2015 | Party

Stereotype Bizarre #5
w/ Jon Attendt | Les Animaux | Sebastian Big | Kék | HighRoller

Jon Attend invests his energy between the Paris-Berlin for over 10 years. Initiator of the Franco-German crew “Nosoup” in 2004 in Paris, and founder of the label “Salon Records” in 2007, discreet but constant, resident in Berlin at the infamous Deep Club, Bar 25 and then the KaterHolzig and Chalet Club, He also has its habits in club der Visionäre and in other warship of this kind.
In Paris, it is alongside the family of the Bar Zero Zero where he feels the best. Its label now has 15 releases including 2 vinyl albums of mostly French and German producers. His mixes are fine and eclectic!

Les Animaux
Zamislit din dorinta si placerile orientate spre un 4 pe 4 mai cu suflet, proiectul interstelar al tanarului Ion Coroi – personalitate multi-reptiliana, se face prezent prin mintea , sufletul si cosmosul LES ANIMAUX. Desi calatoria a inceput acum mai bine de 10 ani producand si promovand muzica experimentala, de dormitor la propriul netlabel arhiva7, evolutia recenta catre dj-ing a reusit sa arunce in echilibru si pace ‘animalele’ interioare, rezultatul exprimandu-se intr-un amestec de selectii cu detalii analog de scoala veche si electronica energetica, cu nerv.

Totul e gingas, spectrul energetic inca neexplorat dar taina astrelor pare ca dezvaluie un amant al tuturor sufletelor cosmice, priceput si vrednic, asemeni unui gradinar grozav ce stie sa duca la rodnicie sămânţa, intrinsec capabila să producă fruct.

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