Workshop de dans. Invitati:
Farc Madalin(Romania) : coregraf BoomBox Dance Crew, antrenor in cadrul Replay Dance Studio, castigator a numeroase competitii nationale si internationale printre care premiul pentru cel mai bun dansator Hip Hop International Romania 2011, back-up dancer Morandi-Rock the World, You Can Dance Poland;
Gabriel Francisco ( USA): coregraf si instructor international YouCanDance, a pregatit si coregrafiat dansatori pentru artisti ca: The BlackEyedPeas, Hilary Duff, Santana, The PCD, Kesha, Ne-Yo, Chris Brown;
Daniel Lee Spurr (Germania): fondator si lider al trupei Who Cares?!, SYTYCD UK., X-Factor back-up dancer, a coregrafiat pentru artisti ca si Francisco (USA), Body Rock 2009, back-up dancer Paul Mitchell Fashion Dance Show.
Coregrafii vor preda ore de house, new-style, L.A. style si hip-hop dance.
Clubul de dans Quickstep se afla pe str.Batozei #26.