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Cedron @ The Shelter

Home $ Articole $ Cedron @ The Shelter

by | Jun 6, 2014 | Articole

Cedron/ Divided by Perception/ Scars of a Story


metallic hardcore, Suedia

Hailing from the town of Söderhamn (population less than 12,000) about 200kms north of Stockholm Cedron are easily one of the hardest working bands in Sweden, and they have done so with a strong DIY approach. 2012 saw the release of their debut EP Watching The Sun Turn Pitch Black’ and this year the band has already toured Sweden, the UK and Europe. Now with the upcoming release of ‘Chased by Shades’ Cedron are set to play a bunch of shows across Sweden, the UK and Australia.

‘Chased by shades’ is a mind blowing set of political and emotionally powerful songs with a strong hardcore feel, subtle elements of metalcore and a whole lot of melody. The nine track album to be released is going to have hardcore kids moshing the f@#! out in their bedrooms and their local venues. Cedron’s music is fast as hell, it has a soul and whilst there are definite metalcore elements to parts of their songs, the music is undeniably hardcore in its approach and delivery.

Cedron is a cry for those without voice, life in a dying genre, and a legacy in the making. Make sure to see them on their next tour.

Divided By Perception
hardcore/metalcore – RO

The idea of Divided by Perception started on the behalf of our guitarists, Andrei and Bobo, prior to pursuing college in Cluj Napoca. The following members to join were Tomi (singer in Anomaly) and Paul (bass player in Break-out). Not long after Bobbo (ex Skullp) was aproached and a first rehearsal was schedueled. We feel that each and everyone of us sees life, the moments of his existence in a different way. The way we approach the matter is what makes us unique, therefore we are all divided by perception. The goal of the group is to honor music, to create that which every individual needs to hear, to be by the side of the listener in every aspect of life, sad or happy. We will do our best to honor it.
So far we played with Veil Of Maya, Betraying The Martyrs, To Kill Achilles and we played at the Peninsula/Felsziget in 2013.

Scars of A Story

Membrii trupei Scars of a Story se intalnesc pentru prima oara undeva pe la mijlocul lunii octombrie 2011.Ideea a pornit de la cei doi chitaristi,Vlad si Peter,care pun bazele primelor compozitii,ulterior alaturandu-se acestor idei Dany(bas),Bitzah(voce)si Cristi(tobe),care paraseste trupa in luna iulie 2012, locul lui fiind luat de Gabi .Punctul comun al celor 5 membrii fiind dorinta de a aduce ceva nou scenei underground din Cluj-Napoca.Genul abordat se vrea a fi New age metal,Metalcore,Post Hardcore.

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