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Guest bartending @ Charlie

Home $ Articole $ Guest bartending @ Charlie

by | Apr 21, 2017 | Articole

Charlie, World Class and Breasla Barmanilor have the pleasure of inviting Dennis Zoppi behind the counter.

During his guest shift at Charlie, you have the opportunity to taste 3 original cocktails. Meet the magic and get your voucher!
Price: 70 RON
Info: 0741 055 821

Vouchers can be purchased at Charlie. Voucher owners will have the possibility to make a reservation for Tuesday night.

World Class Global finalist Rio de Janeiro 2012 Dennis Zoppi is one of the mixologist rising up from the Italian scene. Several people have described him as ‘The bar illusionist’… His movements are elegant and hypnotic and he can easily entertain his audience all night long. He is recognized for his innovative flavors combination’s, his incredible sense in matching tastes and his stylish drinks presentation.

Dennis has also a strong background in managing bars and large events executing on a global scale.
His many years of experience leads him to experiment and consolidate new and amazing trends all around the world of bars and beyond.

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