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Interviu: AaRON, pentru prima oară în România

Home $ Interviuri | #clujlife $ Interviu: AaRON, pentru prima oară în România

by | May 11, 2016 | Interviuri | #clujlife

Picnic in the Park revine cu a doua ediție: muzică bună, relaxare și un afterparty pe măsură la Sala Polivalentă. Echipa Fapte, care stă în spatele numeroaselor proiecte precum Jazz in the Park și Jazz in the Street are grijă să nu treacă prea mult timp până să ne bucurăm de un nou eveniment în aer liber.

Scena acestei ediții îi va găzdui pe Tango with Lions, The Kryptonite Sparks, Jazzanova și AaRON, pe ultimii (un duo francez format din Simon Buret și Olivier Coursier) încercând să-i cunoaștem puțin mai bine. Este prima lor dată în România și toți cei care îi cunoaștem deja, trebuie să fim pregătiți!
Interviul este în engleză.

Is this your first time playing in Romania? What do you know about your audience here?
It is. It is pretty exciting for us, because we feel like we are going to encounter a new challenge so we need to give the best of ourselves, you know, to get the best out of our public. By reputation, the audience there sounds amazing, responsive and open-minded.

You choose some intriguing titles for your songs, how does the process go until you find what you need?
Well, it’s always hard to find what you need, perhaps even harder to be sure about it. But our inspiration comes from many things, our friends, our family, people and conversations that surrender us… but also from other artists, mostly moviemakers or photographers. We are big fans of Jim Jarmusch or Gregory Crewdson’s works, for instance.

What music do you listen to between the shows?
Actually we don’t listen much between the shows, we try to stay focus on our own inner world. But we also follow new releases, I can already tell that the last album of Radiohead is likely to be of one my favorites this year.

Are you going to perform songs from your latest album or can the audience expect some surprises?
For our first venue in Romania, it would be a shame to tell you guys everything in advance, wouldn’t it? Obviously we will play some of our latest tracks. But we care about making our fans happy and surprizing them equally.

What are AaRON’s plans for the near future?
So far I would say we are just happy with the way things go. We have a bunch of gigs planned, but we always have some ideas in the back of our minds, some on-going projects here and there…

Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să vedem duo-ul francez! Cu siguranță vor impresiona cu show-ul live și-și vor mări baza de fani în Cluj-Napoca.

Voi ce știți despre AaRON?

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