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Interviu: Nastia

Home $ Interviuri | #clujlife $ Interviu: Nastia

by | Feb 29, 2016 | Interviuri | #clujlife

Anastasia Topolskaia aka Nastia provine din Ucraina și este mândră de asta. În ultimii 10 ani a străbătut peste 30 țări, fiind des întâlnită în line-up-ul celor mai cunoscute cluburi și festivaluri de muzică electronică. Stilul său este la un nivel adaptabil, dar inconfundabil, iar tehnica sa impecabilă transmite energie și dorință de dans. Este unul dintre puținii artiști care au atins succesul în întregime datorită djset-urilor, ea nefiind încă producător, ci un adevărat DJ.

Din 2010 este residentă Arma17 din Moscova, iar în ultimii 3 ani nu a avut un weekend în care nu să nu fie întâlnită la o petrecere / un festival din Europa, continuând să cucerească lumea.
Scopul ei este de a vedea cât mai mulți oameni posibil pe ringul de dans și să danseze împreună, conducând atmosfera prin ceea ce ne unește pe toți – muzica.

După prestația memorabilă din toamnă de la festivalul Mioritmic, Nastia revine la Cluj-Napoca, de data aceasta la Sala Polivalentă. Detalii găsiți aici.

Interviul este disponibil mai jos, în engleză.

Hey Anastasia,
Thank you for the opportunity to exchange some ideas 🙂

Hello 🙂

How are you? Cluj is excited to have you back after a memorable weekend at Mioritmic Festival.
What made you fall in love with the romanian underground scene?
Nastia: The taste of the people and their opened mind. I think [a:rpia:r] made a great job to educate people by what they love. Romania is one of the best examples how to built a perfect electronic music scene.

Recently you said on Instagram that you got back in the studio. Are you planning a new EP? Can you give a few details about this new project?
Nastia: You know, no one can tell you anything when nothing is ready 🙂 I have some ideas yes, but I don’t know yet if it will be this, or in the process I will naturally move somewhere. The most important things happening in a process of working, not in planning ideas. The best ideas can’t be planned.

What’s the vision behind your label, Propaganda? What sort of track you want to promote there?
Nastia: I just share the music I really like. As the owner of the label I release music which projecting my personal taste. I like to release dancing tracks and also some weird stuff. And of course something what has a great melody inside – we all need something for our souls 🙂

What’s your favorite emerging artist discovered lately?
Nastia: You know, I prefer to dig in old stuff. And sometimes I find brilliant artists who even stopped to release music already, but who is new for me. From the last ones I discover last year and fell in love with is Luke Slater. He is mostly a techno producer with many alias, but I found a lot of good things in his discography.

Where’s your preferred place to chill and clear your head?
Nastia: When I need that I always imagine a lonely house in a deep forest. The best place to be for me are mountains and forest where I can be tet-a-tet with a nature.

Do you have an after-gig ritual?
Nastia: No, I don’t 🙂 I have some things I do regular but it depends on the gig… My favorite is to go back to the hotel with my friends when the party is finished and smoke a joint, talk, laugh, listen to the music.

Traveling is part of your life and every weekend there’s a new destination. What do you usually do during long waits between flights?
Nastia: If I am not tired too much then I read a book or writing my diary (yes, I do it :). If I am going from one party to another one then I like to walk by the airport and watch people. I love to watch people and things around, imagine who they are, what they do, what they think… especially families.

After visiting so many countries, is there a particular one that you would consider moving in?
Nastia: I love NYC and I would love to live there at least 1 year to have a full experience about the city.. but the place to move to is Switzerland. Because… of the mountains, lakes and forests 🙂 The nature is amazing over there and I love winter. It’s a perfect country to live and stay quiet if you don’t want to escape complitely.. But also there are still so many places to visit ! I am sure I am gonna LOVE Canada or New Zeland for example)

What track sums up your city?
There is no track found yet which would express my feeling about Kiev. It has to be long as a history and full of beauty and confusions ! :))

The album you play at home when you feel like taking a break from house & techno?
The Cinematic Orchestra – Man With A Movie Camera. The one forever.

Your track of choice for closing a Sunday morning afterparty.
Ricardo – Slowmotion. I think it’s unreleased..

Thank you very much for questions 🙂
Have a nice week!

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