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Interviu: Simina Grigoriu

Home $ Interviuri | #clujlife $ Interviu: Simina Grigoriu

by | Mar 5, 2014 | Interviuri | #clujlife

Simina Grigoriu revine in acest weekend la Club Midi.
Cu aceasta ocazie, am stat putin la “povesti” si avem primul interviu in romenglish 🙂

How was 2013 for you and your career?
In 2013 I focused on playing my shows and starting a new album. That’s what I’ve been working on all year and quite slowly, I may add – it’s still in the works and I plan to release it later this year.

When can we expect the next album?
It’s in the works. I like doing albums instead of EPs because it focuses my energy on a bigger project. I can easily make a track. Two. But making ten plus tracks that all have a common element – that’s a bit harder – and a bit deeper, as an artistic project, I think.

Any plans for 2014? Will you be touring along with Paul?
2014 is also still in the works. I will play sometimes with Paul but my tour is a totally separate animal and this is a solo thing. I love that I can go away to work on the weekend and re-convene with my husband after a long weekend and talk about the gigs. Our home life is quiet so it makes me love my job even more. Let’s just say – 2014 will bring new music and new gigs.

What kind of music did you listened to in high school and how was the transition towards techno?
Imi place muzica din fie care “genre”. I am a rocker in my heart. Am copilarit cu Mobb Deep, Wu Tang, Parazitii & Deceneu. In the mix is Dire Straits, Prodigy, 2 Live Crew, NTM, Nirvana and The Offspring. Don’t gorget Bobby Marley & Co. – ANYTHING DANCEHALL – and pretty much every thing else. I was into Jungle in high school and techno later – I AM A CHILD OF MUSIC AND IT INFLUENCES EVERYTHING I DO.

What would be your most recent “favorite song”? 🙂
Urasc intrebarea asta!!!! It’s like asking what my favourite flavour of ice cream is.. sau care i-mi este prajitura preferata. hm. But… what I can say is that I love love love Ron Flatter’s new track Schattebout… It’s out in about a week.

Do you manage to have some “free time”?
Timp Liber!!!! What a cool concept!!!! Well at the moment I don’t have any because I am in the studio in the week and on tour on the weekend. But when the big project is over, I spend my time doing the following things: Chilling. Gatesc. Ma plimb. Ne uitam la serii.. multe multe serii de comedie.. Modern Family, New Girl, stuff like that. Si in rest – chestii normale… prieteni, filme, cafenele – easy.

Banuiesc ca ti se face dor de casa, de Romania. Cand reusesti sa revii in tara, ce iti place sa faci cel mai mult?
Cascavel Pane la Bunica!!!!! Vorbesc cu ea aproape in fiecare zi. Locuieste in Bucuresti si cand sunt acolo, ma simt acasa. Am prieteni in Bucuresti si toata lumea vine la Bunica – caterinca maxima si intotdeauna ceva bun de ciugulit.

Mersi Mult!!!! I am very excited for the weekend!!

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