Interviu cu Steve Lawler
Produce si mixeaza muzica house de calitate de mai bine de 10 ani. A trecut prin rave-ul anilor 90, rezidentiatele de la We Love sau Viva @ Space Ibiza, Harlem Nights @ The end Londra, si turneul nord-american pentru promovarea albumului Lights Out. Presa de specialitate il considera un brand de success, evolutia sa in stilul twisted house fiind legendara. Sunetul sau a evoluat in timp, Lawler ramanand insa fidel elementelor sale deep, dark, chunky, drivin’ sexy house.
Steve Lawler a creat de asemenea un tandem de stiluri diferite, intre diferite comunitati cu mentalitati diferite. Au avut loc multe intorsaturi in circuitul muzicii de club: Dj care nu mai pun aceeasi muzica pe care obisnuiau sa o puna acum cativa ani, label-uri care nu isi permit sa mai reziste cu o muzica originala in fata trend-ului, oameni care nu mai merg la aceleasi petreceri si asa mai departe. Dar totusi, mai exista cateva persoane care nu s-au dat batute, persoane care sunt inca surprinzatoare si incantatatoare pentru multime. Steve Lawler e de departe una dintre aceste persoane. O persoana ala carei nume e soptit cu admiratie si emotie de un numar mare de fani, in asteptare continua de materiale noi din partea lui.
Inainte de evenimentul din 26 noiembrie de la Club Midi, Steve ne-a raspuns catorva intrebari:
1. Fill us in on the major projects that have happened in the last year?
Had a busy summer touring around my summer residency at Space in ibiza, managed to complete a few remixes for Paso music, Supernature, Soma, Monique, & Be As One. I have released my latest single ‘Gimme Some more’ on my label VIVa MUSiC, and completed my Loop Masters CD for budding producers out there, which will see release in December this year.
2. Which do you prefer – A festival crowd or a club one? Can you explain why?
I enjoy both, for very different reasons. They are both very different experiences…in a club you can structure a long set go deeper and be more experimental.
3. The Top 100 DJs by DJ Mag has just been announced. Do you consider that chart relevant? Especially for artists like David Guetta or Tiesto.
It’s not a credible chart anymore, its a shame because it used to be, but it’s been ruined by marketing, cheating and commercial under age events. I really don’t see it being important anymore at all. There are many talented artists and DJ’s that are not in this chart, Villalobos, Laurent Garnier, Jeff Mills, Carl Craig, Tiefschwarz etc.. the list goes on.. it seems you have to have some commercial aspect to your career now to be in this chart.
4. Noticed your social media presence. Do you have time to update your status on facebook or twitter, or someone else is doing the job ?
Yes it’s me that updates my personal messages. I also have the VIVa HQ that posts messages from the office about upcoming gigs, general info, Releases, comps etc.
5. Any message for the fans back in Romania and Cluj Napoca ?
They know how much I love Romania and really enjoy playing music here. I have always said this, that the Romanian crowd is simply one of the best in the world because they appreciate the finer sounds in life 🙂 and are very open minded to new music. Romania has some amazing artists and DJ’s and really supports its home grown talent. Look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at club midi 🙂