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Memories @ Toastmasters

Home $ Articole $ Memories @ Toastmasters

by | Jun 23, 2014 | Articole

Memories – Monthly Toastmasters Cluj English Meeting

Your baby’s first cry, the taste of your grandmother’s molasses cookies, the scent of an ocean breeze. These are memories that make up the ongoing experience of your life. They provide you with a sense of self.
They’re what make you feel comfortable with familiar people and surroundings, tie your past with your present, and provide a framework for the future.

In a profound way, it is our collective set of memories –our “memory” as a whole — that makes us who we are.

The speakers for this week are: Adela Muresan (Prj. #6), Raluca Culda (Prj. #1-AC) and Daniela Boroianu (Prj. #2).

The hosts of the evening will be: Emanuel Tanasa (Toastmaster), Adi Salasan (General Evaluator) and Alex Lukacs (Table Topics Master).


Just like every Tuesday at 20:00, we welcome you to join us at Hotel Central.

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