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Time Within @ Visual Kontakt

Home $ Cultural $ Expozitii $ Time Within @ Visual Kontakt

by | Feb 14, 2017 | Expozitii

Time Within by Tudor Câmpean

Tudor Câmpean pursues an artistic endeavour which studies the effect of the passage of time upon the dynamics of indoor spaces.

The subject of indoor spaces has long been experimented with, in metal printmaking techniques, especially mezzotint – a process through which the chiaroscuro has become the main structuring means of the image.

Tudor Câmpean succeeded in suggesting a certain illusion of temporary dimension by relying on this traditional multiplying technique; on obtaining strong contrasting effects between light and dark, to which an increasing number of objects which compositionally relate to in a synergetic manner are added. The effect of passing, of this inevitable and immeasurable ‘miracle’ called time, had soon become an opportunity to expand on this project entitled Time Within.

From de-structuring shapes, to unusual re-structuring which transcends the functional aspects of objects, the artist simulates impossible situations through a game of minimizing the means of representation for the sake of maximizing the echoes signaled by capturing an already existent shape or rhythm.

Every detail is carefully observed through photography, printmaking, modeling, two-dimensional transpositions with 3D effect, installation and audio-video editing.

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