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5 ideas to discover #Cluj on Halloween

Home $ Articole $ 5 ideas to discover #Cluj on Halloween

by | Oct 28, 2016 | Articole, English, Halloween

No plans for the weekend yet? Halloween’s right around the corner!
Here are some ideas how to spend the weekend and Halloween itself in Cluj-Napoca.


1. Halloween parties
Looking for the best Halloween parties in Cluj this year? We have you covered with a list of the city’s spookiest soirees. Discover Cluj’s bars, nightclubs and event the Art Museum at the scariest time of the year! No matter if you prefer Friday over Saturday night or you’re busy during the weekend and want to party the 31st, you’ll find an event that suits your preferences!

#discoveringcluj #blackandwhite

O fotografie postată de Elena Tofan (@helentphoto) pe

2. Hoia Baciu Forest
How about a night hike in Hoia Baciu Forest? As you might know from our 10 free things to do in Cluj, Hoia Baciu is probably the spookiest forest in the surroundings of Cluj, if not even Romania’s spookiest forest at all. Paranormal investigators talk about high activity and frequent and varied paranormal phenomena. Why don’t you come up with your own explanation for the clearing where no trees grow? Get together with a group of friends, bring some flashlights and have the most mysterious night you ever spent in Cluj. For more information about the forest and to get some inspiration for horror stories, visit this website.


O fotografie postată de Ceanu ???☘ (@ceanu.zheng) pe

3. Game of imagination
Do you like adrenaline rushes and horror movies? Have you ever thought about how to solve the puzzles in “Saw” yourself? If so, this is probably the right choice for you! Round up a group of 2-6 friends and challenges yourselves to win a game of imagination at one of Cluj’s escape rooms. You’ll be trapped in a room with your friends – and you have 60 minutes to escape! It’s about teamwork and finding hidden clues how to open doors. In any event, this will be a unique Halloween activity and you will remember the evening for a long time.
Cluj offers 3 providers to choose from: The Museum, ParaPark and The Dungeon.
Book online to make sure you get your preferred time slot.

4. Live concert in the cemetery
Darkness, hundreds of graves with little grave lights, infinite silence and mysterious noises is what you expect from a cemetery at night. Urban Scene invites you to look at it from a different perspective and welcomes you at the Central Cemetery from October 29 to November 1. Hajongard cemetery (officially Central Cemetery) is located on Avram Iancu Street which is once just outside the city gates. It is one of the oldest cemeteries in Cluj-Napoca, founded in the sixteenth century. The cemetery is one of the most picturesque sights of the city as you can even see on Instagram. It covers an area of ca. 14 hectares.
There will be an Ave Maria concert on the 1 November at 6 pm. Listen to Anton Pann, Giuseppe Verdi and others and enjoy the music in this very special location. Find the full program here or follow the event on Facebook. Why don’t you take the advantage of the situation and upload some photos on Instagram or any other social media platform yourself? Don’t forget #clujlife!

5. Popcorn & horror movie
If you’re neither in the mood to go outside nor to party, how about scaring yourself to death at the cinema? Crawling into your cinema seat whilst eating popcorn? At Cinema City in Polus Center or Iulius Mall is running Ouija: Origin of Evil, a 2016 American supernatural horror movie directed by Mike Flanagan. It takes place in Los Angeles in 1967 and is about a widowed mother and her daughters that add a new stunt to bolster their seance scam business and unwittingly invite authentic evil into their home. When the youngest daughter is overtaken by a merciless spirit, the family confronts unthinkable fears to save her and send her possessor back to the other side. Aroused your curiosity? Book your tickets online here.

La film cu fetele ? ? ?

O fotografie postată de Iulia Carmen (@iulia.carmen01) pe

What’s your recommendation for this Halloween in Cluj?

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