When you consider that there are billions of people on the planet, it may make sense why it might be necessary to take the time to do your part to protect the earth and the environment. The good news is, there are things you can do. Think about incorporating some of these tips into your routine, and you may feel more like a responsible citizen.
Watch What You Are Buying
Chances are there are many things your household needs that you buy on a regular basis. This is fine, but you should do what you can to have enough and not too much. For example, when you are shopping at the grocery store, try to follow a list or plan your meal ideas ahead of time, so you don’t buy more food than you need. Having to throw food away is something that some people may take for granted, but it could also be a waste of resources.
Besides food, you may want to pay attention to other things you buy, so they aren’t in excess. Consider donating old outfits or shoes whenever you buy new ones. Or you can use your electronics for a few more years before you buy a new model. There are different ways to limit consumerism in specific sectors of your life, and you should feel free to choose the ways that are comfortable for you.
When you are able to watch what you are buying and limit waste, this may alleviate some of the guilt you experience when you see pictures of areas of the world that are covered in trash, or you become aware that others don’t have some of the luxury items that you have. This is called eco-guilt and it can happen to anyone.
To find out more details on how it can affect you, you can read articles about guilt and how to deal with it.
Another way to help the planet is to recycle. While you have probably been hearing this for much of your life, this doesn’t make it any less true. Recycle would-be trash when you are able to, donate gently used items instead of throwing them away, or repurpose things so you are able to keep using them for a longer amount of time.
Conserve Water and Energy
Something else you might consider is conserving water and energy. To conserve water, you can limit the amount you waste a day. For instance, you can wait until you have a full load of dishes or clothes to wash them in your machines, and you can take shorter showers. To conserve energy, you can opt for lightbulbs that are LEDs and make sure to turn the lights off whenever you aren’t home or when you leave a room.
Stay Informed
You should also do what you can to stay informed about the environment. This could let you know when you have the ability to help in additional ways. Perhaps there is a beach cleanup in your area that you’ll want to attend or a fundraiser you wish to donate to. Moreover, when you have the proper information, you’ll be able to tell others if they are interested. You can also look into additional ways to limit your impact on the environment and the planet.
While you may feel guilty about the impact humans have on the planet, there are things you can do to limit the harm you are engaging in. Consider buying less, recycling, and lessening the amount of water and energy you use. Together, these things might be able to make a difference that you can be proud of.
Guest post written by Marie Miguel